Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bethany's Remembrance

Presented by Bethany Crosbie, wife of Benjamin Crosbie:

One of the care managers told me Ed was everybody’s best friend. I know he touched the hearts of his companions and many of the workers at Sunrise.  It was a two way street, I know he really enjoyed his life here.

I have so many memories of Great, as we call him; there isn't a specific one I could pick to share.  

From his big smiles and boisterous laugh to his handsome face and his huge heart and the candy he always shared, Great was an easy man to love. The past couple weeks I began to realize just how much a part of not only my life but the lives of Ben Hannah and Sam, Great really was. Over the course of knowing Great he and I were fortunate enough to spend a lot of time together. Shopping and doctor appointments, and of course, dining out.
We had many good talks not only about his life but mine as well. Soon I found myself asking for his advice to which he was always eager to give. And in time he too would ask for my advice.
There were no judgments, only love.  I respected and loved Great not only for who he was in the flesh, but I also loved him for the unselfish, kind, loving, caring, comical and feisty man he was. I feel so blessed not only to have been a part of Great's life but a part of his final days as well. The even exchange of the gift of unconditional love is something I will always remember. Saying goodbye to Great was always a hard thing for me to do, and today isn't any different. He will forever hold a special place not only in my heart but in the hearts of those who knew him.

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